Bible Reviews Bible Reviews

En­glish Bi­ble Ver­sions

Sorted by Acronym

The table below lists all of the “complete” En­glish Bi­ble versions of which I am aware, including important re­vi­sions. (Not including all re­vi­sions!) I use a somewhat unusual definition of “complete Bi­ble”:
  • Christian Bi­ble: includes at least 66 books. That is: at least a complete Protestant Old Testament and a complete New Testament.
  • Tanakh (i.e. Jewish Bi­ble): includes the complete Tanakh (many Christians see this as the “Old Testament” only, without the New Testament)
Each trans­la­tion and re­vi­sion is dated, including separate dates for Old Testament, New Testament and Apoc­ry­pha / Deuterocanonicals pub­li­ca­tion (which is frequently relevant). At the top of the table are links that allow viewing the same table in different sort orders.

En­glish Bi­ble Versions

Sorted by Acronym
Sort by: Version Date
Ac­ro­nym Ver­sion Re­vi­sion Year of Pub­li­ca­tion Notes
ABB Abra­ham Ben­isch Bi­ble 1851 1851
OT: 1851
ACV A Con­ser­va­tive Ver­sion ? ? 2012
OT: ? NT: ? A/D:
AKJV Amer­i­can King James Ver­sion ? ? 1999
OT: ? NT: ?
AMP Am­pli­fied Bi­ble 1964 1958 1965
OT: 1964 NT: 1958
AMP (AMPC) Am­pli­fied Bi­ble (Clas­sic Edi­tion) Ex­pand­ed Edi­tion ? ? 1987
OT: ? NT: ?
AMP Am­pli­fied Bi­ble 2015 Re­vi­sion ? ? 2015
OT: ? NT: ?
ASE Art­scroll Stone Edi­tion Tan­ach 1996 1996
OT: 1996
AST A­nointed Stan­dard Trans­la­tion ? 1995 ?
OT: ? NT: ?
ASV Amer­i­can Stan­dard Ver­sion 1901 1900 1901
OT: 1901 NT: 1900
Amer­i­can re­vi­sion (with permission) of the En­glish RV. Most notable difference is the use of “Jehovah” instead of “the Lord”.
BAT (BECK, AAT) Beck’s Amer­i­can Trans­la­tion 1976 1963 1976
OT: 1976 NT: 1963
Ac­ro­nym Ver­sion Re­vi­sion Year of Pub­li­ca­tion Notes
BB Bish­op’s Bi­ble 1568 1568 1568 1568
OT: 1568 NT: 1568 A/D: 1568
Au­tho­rized by the Church of England.
BBE Bi­ble in Ba­sic En­glish 1949 1941 1949
OT: 1949 NT: 1941
BLE Bi­ble in Liv­ing En­glish 1972 1972 1972
OT: 1972 NT: 1972
BV Berke­ley Ver­sion 1958 1945 1958
OT: 1958 NT: 1945
CAB Com­plete Apos­tles’ Bi­ble ? 2005 ? 2005
OT: ? NT: 2005 A/D: ?
CB Con­fra­ter­ni­ty Bi­ble ? 1941 ? 1941
OT: ? NT: 1941 A/D: ?
Full trans­la­tion not completed, so OT books not translated are taken from the Dou­ay-Rheims Challoner Re­vi­sion.
CCB Chris­tian Com­mu­ni­ty Bi­ble 1988 1988 1988 1988
OT: 1988 NT: 1988 A/D: 1988
CEB Com­mon En­glish Bi­ble ? ? ? 2011
OT: ? NT: ? A/D: ?
CEV Con­tem­po­rary En­glish Ver­sion 1995 1991 1999 1999
OT: 1995 NT: 1991 A/D: 1999
CEV Con­tem­po­rary En­glish Ver­sion 2nd Edi­tion ? ? ? 2004
OT: ? NT: ? A/D: ?
Ac­ro­nym Ver­sion Re­vi­sion Year of Pub­li­ca­tion Notes
CJB Com­plete Jew­ish Bi­ble 1998 1989 1998
OT: 1998 NT: 1989
CJPS Con­tem­po­rary Jew­ish Pub­li­ca­tion So­ci­e­ty 2006 2006
OT: 2006
CKJV Chil­dren’s King James Ver­sion 1962 1960 1962
OT: 1962 NT: 1960
Cov Cov­er­dale’s Bi­ble 1535 1535 1535 1535
OT: 1535 NT: 1535 A/D: 1535
Most of this Bi­ble is a copy of Tyndale’s work. This version of Psalms remains the stan­dard of the Anglican Communion.
Cov Cov­er­dale’s Bi­ble 1537 Edi­tion 1537 1537 1537 1537
OT: 1537 NT: 1537 A/D: 1537
This and Mat­thew’s Bi­ble were the first authorized En­glish Bi­bles (King Henry VIII). (Later outlawed in the time of the Great Bi­ble.)
CPDV Cath­o­lic Pub­lic Do­main Ver­sion ? ? ? 2009
OT: ? NT: ? A/D: ?
Translated from the Vulgate. DR is reference version. PDF
CSB Chris­tian Stan­dard Bi­ble 2017 2017 2017
OT: ? NT: ?
CV Con­cor­dant Ver­sion ? 1926 ?
OT: ? NT: 1926 A/D:
DB Dar­by Bi­ble 1890 1884 1890
OT: 1890 NT: 1884
DNKJB Di­vine Name King James Bi­ble ? ? 2011
OT: ? NT: ? A/D:
Ac­ro­nym Ver­sion Re­vi­sion Year of Pub­li­ca­tion Notes
DR Dou­ay‐​Rheims Bi­ble 1610 1582 1610 1610
OT: 1610 NT: 1582 A/D: 1610
DR‐​CR Dou­ay‐​Rheims Bi­ble Chal­loner Re­vi­sion 1750 1749 1750 1750
OT: 1750 NT: 1749 A/D: 1750
EBR Roth­er­ham Em­pha­sized Bi­ble 1902 1872 1902
OT: 1902 NT: 1872
EEB EasyEn­glish Bi­ble ? ? 2012
OT: ? NT: ?
EJ2K En­glish Ju­bi­lee 2000 Bi­ble ? ? 2000
OT: ? NT: ?
English translation from Spanish 1602 Valera version.
EOB East­ern Or­tho­dox Bi­ble Inc. 2008 Inc. Inc.
OT: Inc. NT: 2008 A/D: Inc.
ERV Easy‐​to‐​Read Ver­sion (Ev­ery­day Read­ing Bi­ble) 1987 1980 1987
OT: 1987 NT: 1980
ERV Easy‐​to‐​Read Ver­sion (Ev­ery­day Read­ing Bi­ble) 2004 Re­vi­sion ? ? 2004
OT: ? NT: ?
ESV En­glish Stan­dard Ver­sion 2001 ? 2001
OT: 2001 NT: ?
ESV En­glish Stan­dard Ver­sion 2007 Re­vi­sion ? ? 2007
OT: ? NT: ?
Ac­ro­nym Ver­sion Re­vi­sion Year of Pub­li­ca­tion Notes
ESV En­glish Stan­dard Ver­sion “with Apoc­ry­pha” edi­tion ? ? 2009 2009
OT: ? NT: ? A/D: 2009
Like the NRSV includes an “expanded” Apoc­ry­pha that includes Eastern Orthodox Scrip­ture.
ESV En­glish Stan­dard Ver­sion 2011 Re­vi­sion ? ? 2011
OT: ? NT: ?
ESV En­glish Stan­dard Ver­sion Per­ma­nent Text Edi­tion ? ? 2016
OT: ? NT: ?
EVD En­glish Ver­sion for the Deaf 1987 1978 1987
OT: 1987 NT: 1978
ExB The Ex­pand­ed Bi­ble 2011 2009 2011
OT: ? NT: ? A/D:
FFB Fer­rar Fen­ton Bi­ble ? ? 1903
OT: ? NT: ?
FYV Fam­i­ly of Yah Ver­sion ? ? ?
OT: ? NT: ?
Gen Ge­neva Bi­ble 1560 1560 1560 1560
OT: 1560 NT: 1560 A/D: 1560
First “complete” (both Old and New Testaments) En­glish Bi­ble translated primarily from original language source texts (Hebrew, Aramaic, Greek). First En­glish Bi­ble to use verse divisions. First En­glish Bi­ble to use a Roman typeface (the same we use today, as opposed to a Germanic typeface). Relies heavily on the Great Bi­ble for word choices.
Gen Ge­neva Bi­ble Thom­son Re­vi­sion 1560 1576 1560 1576
OT: 1560 NT: 1576 A/D: 1560
GNB (GNT, TEV) Good News Bi­ble (Good News Trans­la­tion, To­day’s En­glish Ver­sion) 1976 1966 1979 1979
OT: 1976 NT: 1966 A/D: 1979
Ac­ro­nym Ver­sion Re­vi­sion Year of Pub­li­ca­tion Notes
GNB (GNT, TEV) Good News Bi­ble (Good News Trans­la­tion, To­day’s En­glish Ver­sion) 1992 Re­vi­sion 1992 1992 1992 1992
OT: 1992 NT: 1992 A/D: 1992
Grt Great Bi­ble 1539 1539 1539 1539
OT: 1539 NT: 1539 A/D: 1539
The work of Bishop Miles Cov­er­dale who also produced the earlier Cov­er­dale’s Bi­ble. Mat­thew’s Bi­ble is the primary source. Also called “Cranmer’s Bi­ble”.
GW (GWT) God’s Word 1995 1988 1995
OT: 1995 NT: 1988
HCSB (CSB) Hol­man Chris­tian Stan­dard Bi­ble 2004 1999 2004
OT: 2004 NT: 1999
HCSB (CSB) Hol­man Chris­tian Stan­dard Bi­ble 2010 Up­date ? ? 2010
OT: ? NT: ?
HNB (THNB) (The) Holy Name Bi­ble ? ? 1963
OT: ? NT: ?
HRV He­bra­ic‐​Roots Ver­sion Scrip­tures 2005 2005 2005
OT: 2005 NT: 2005
HS Hal­le­lu­Yah Scrip­tures ? ? 2011
OT: ? NT: ?
ICB (ICV) In­ter­na­tion­al Chil­dren’s Bi­ble 1986 1983 1986
OT: 1986 NT: 1986
ISV In­ter­na­tion­al Stan­dard Ver­sion 2.1 Edition ? ? ? 2012
OT: ? NT: ? A/D: ?
Ac­ro­nym Ver­sion Re­vi­sion Year of Pub­li­ca­tion Notes
JB Je­ru­sa­lem Bi­ble ? ? ? 1966
OT: ? NT: ? A/D: ?
JFB Jew­ish Fam­i­ly Bi­ble 1881 1881
OT: 1881
JP Ju­da­ica Press Tan­akh with Rashi 1963 1963
OT: 1963
JPS Jew­ish Pub­li­ca­tion So­ci­e­ty Tan­akh 1917 1917
OT: 1917
JST Jo­seph Smith Trans­la­tion ? ? 1867
OT: ? NT: ?
Not actually a Trans­la­tion. Rather, a re­vi­sion of the King James Ver­sion.
KB Knox Bi­ble 1950 1945 1950 1950
OT: 1950 NT: 1945 A/D: 1950
Relatively modern, scholarly trans­la­tion of the Latin Vulgate.
KJB Ko­ren Je­ru­sa­lem Bi­ble 1962 1962
OT: 1962
KJII King James II Ver­sion 1971 1970 1971
OT: 1971 NT: 1970
KJSNB King James Sa­cred Name Bi­ble ? ? 2001
OT: ? NT: ?
KJV King James Ver­sion 1611 1611 1611 1611
OT: 1611 NT: 1611 A/D: 1611
Ac­ro­nym Ver­sion Re­vi­sion Year of Pub­li­ca­tion Notes
KJV King James Ver­sion Stan­dard Text 1769 1769 1769 1769
OT: 1769 NT: 1769 A/D: 1769
A slight emendation of the Oxford Re­vi­sion of the same year.
KJV‐​CPB King James Ver­sion Cam­bridge Par­a­graph Bi­ble 1873 1873 1873 1873
OT: 1873 NT: 1873 A/D: 1873
Highly-regarded scholarly re­vi­sion of the King James Ver­sion. Exceptionally thorough use of italics (indicating words added in En­glish). Extensive notes on earlier editions and variants of the King James Ver­sion.
KJV‐​NCPB King James Ver­sion New Cam­bridge Par­a­graph Bi­ble 2005 2005 2005 2005
OT: 2005 NT: 2005 A/D: 2005
KJV based on recently-discovered original translators’ notes.
KJV20 King James Ver­sion, Twen­ti­eth Cen­tu­ry Edi­tion ? ? 1972
OT: ? NT: ?
KJV21 21st Cen­tu­ry King James Ver­sion ? ? 1994
OT: ? NT: ?
66-book King James Ver­sion with archaic wording modernized by scholars.
KJV2K King James 2000 Ver­sion 1999 1993 1999
OT: 1999 NT: 1993
KJVER King James Ver­sion Easy Read­ing ? ? 2001
OT: ? NT: ?
LB Lee­ser Bi­ble 1853 1853
OT: 1853
LitV (KJ3) Green’s Lit­er­al Trans­la­tion ? 1985 1985
OT: ? NT: 1985
LitV (KJ3) Green’s Lit­er­al Trans­la­tion 4th Edi­tion ? ? 2006
OT: ? NT: ?
Ac­ro­nym Ver­sion Re­vi­sion Year of Pub­li­ca­tion Notes
LPB Lam­sa Pe­shit­ta Bi­ble ? ? 1933
OT: ? NT: ?
MATS The Mes­si­an­ic Aleph Tav Scrip­tures ? ? 2016
OT: ? NT: ?
MB Mat­thew’s Bi­ble 1537 1537 1537 1537
OT: 1537 NT: 1537 A/D: 1537
This and the 1537 Cov­er­dale’s Bi­ble were the first authorized En­glish Bi­bles (King Henry VIII). (Both outlawed in the time of the Great Bi­ble.) (Brown credits this as the first, Cov­er­dale’s as sec­ond, but that opinion is refuted with details by other scholars, though apparently this was the first printing to explicitly mention the Royal Warrant.) Most of this Bi­ble is a copy of Tyndale’s work (a more complete copy than Cov­er­dale’s), the remainder being largely a copy of Cov­er­dale’s Bi­ble.
MEV Mod­ern En­glish Ver­sion ? ? 2013
OT: ? NT: ? A/D:
HTML Transalation using KJV as reference version.
MKJV Mod­ern King James Ver­sion 1962 1962 1962
OT: 1962 NT: 1962
MKJV Mod­ern King James Ver­sion Sec­ond, Re­vised Ver­sion 1962 1962 1962
OT: 1962 NT: 1962
MLB Mod­ern Lan­guage Bi­ble ? ? 1969
OT: ? NT: ?
MNT Mof­fat New Trans­la­tion 1926 1913 1926
OT: 1926 NT: 1913
MSG The Mes­sage 2002 1993 2002
OT: 2002 NT: 1993
NAB New Amer­i­can Bi­ble 1970 1970 1970 1970
OT: 1970 NT: 1970 A/D: 1970
Ac­ro­nym Ver­sion Re­vi­sion Year of Pub­li­ca­tion Notes
NAB New Amer­i­can Bi­ble Sec­ond Edi­tion ? 1986 ? 1986
OT: ? NT: 1986 A/D: ?
NAB New Amer­i­can Bi­ble Third Edi­tion 1991 1986 1986 1991
OT: 1991 NT: 1986 A/D: 1986
The 1986 edition but with heavily-revised Psalms.
NAB‐​LR New Amer­i­can Bi­ble Lec­tion­ary Re­vi­sion 2000
OT: NT: A/D:
This was published in lectionary form only, not in Bi­ble form.
NAB‐​RE New Amer­i­can Bi­ble Re­vised Edi­tion 2011 1986 2011 2011
OT: 2011 NT: 1986 A/D: 2011
Fully-revised Old Testament.
NASB New Amer­i­can Stan­dard Bi­ble 1971 1963 1971
OT: 1971 NT: 1963
NASB‐​77 New Amer­i­can Stan­dard Bi­ble 1977 Up­date 1977 1977 1977
OT: 1977 NT: 1977
NASB New Amer­i­can Stan­dard Bi­ble 1995 Up­date 1995 1995 1995
OT: 1995 NT: 1995
NCB New Com­mu­ni­ty Bi­ble ? ? ? 2013
OT: ? NT: ? A/D: ?
A trans­la­tion in the tradition of the Chris­tian Com­mu­ni­ty Bi­ble.
NCV New Cen­tu­ry Ver­sion 1987 1984 1987
OT: 1987 NT: 1984
NCV New Cen­tu­ry Ver­sion 1991 Re­vi­sion ? ? 1991
OT: ? NT: ?
Ac­ro­nym Ver­sion Re­vi­sion Year of Pub­li­ca­tion Notes
NEB New En­glish Bi­ble 1970 1961 1970 1970
OT: 1970 NT: 1961 A/D: 1970
NET New En­glish Trans­la­tion 2005 ? ? 2005
OT: 2005 NT: ? A/D: ?
NEV New Eu­ro­pe­an Ver­sion ? ? 2011
OT: ? NT: ? A/D:
NIrV New In­ter­na­tion­al Read­er’s Ver­sion 1995 1995 1996
OT: 1995 NT: 1995
NIrV New In­ter­na­tion­al Read­er’s Ver­sion 2014 Re­vi­sion ? ? 2014
OT: ? NT: ?
NIV New In­ter­na­tion­al Ver­sion 1978 1973 1978
OT: 1978 NT: 1973
NIV‐​1984 New In­ter­na­tion­al Ver­sion 1984 Re­vi­sion 1984 1984 1984
OT: 1984 NT: 1984
NIV‐​2011 New In­ter­na­tion­al Ver­sion 2011 Re­vi­sion 2011 2011 2011
OT: 2011 NT: 2011
NIVI New In­ter­na­tion­al Ver­sion In­clu­sive Lan­guage Edi­tion 1996 1996 1996
OT: 1996 NT: 1996
NJB New Je­ru­sa­lem Bi­ble 1985 1985 1985 1985
OT: 1985 NT: 1985 A/D: 1985
Ac­ro­nym Ver­sion Re­vi­sion Year of Pub­li­ca­tion Notes
NJPS New Jew­ish Pub­li­ca­tion So­ci­e­ty Tan­akh 1985 1985
OT: 1985
NJPS New Jew­ish Pub­li­ca­tion So­ci­e­ty Tan­akh 1999 Re­vi­sion 1999 1999
OT: 1999
NJV The Be­loved and I, The New Ju­bi­lees Ver­sion of Sa­cred Scrip­tures ? ? ? ?
OT: ? NT: ? A/D: ?
Includes Enoch, Infancy Gospels, Gospels of Thomas and Barnabas, Qur'an. HTML
NKJV New King James Ver­sion 1982 1979 1982
OT: 1982 NT: 1979
NLT New Liv­ing Trans­la­tion ? ? 1996
OT: ? NT: ?
NLT‐​CE New Liv­ing Trans­la­tion Cath­o­lic Edi­tion ? ? 2002 2002
OT: ? NT: ? A/D: 2002
NLTse (NLT2) New Liv­ing Trans­la­tion Sec­ond Edi­tion ? ? 2004
OT: ? NT: ?
NLT New Liv­ing Trans­la­tion 2007 Re­vi­sion ? ? 2007
OT: ? NT: ?
NLT New Liv­ing Trans­la­tion 2013 Re­vi­sion ? ? 2013
OT: ? NT: ?
NLT New Liv­ing Trans­la­tion 2015 Re­vi­sion ? ? 2015
OT: ? NT: ?
Ac­ro­nym Ver­sion Re­vi­sion Year of Pub­li­ca­tion Notes
NLV New Life Ver­sion 1986 1969 1986
OT: 1986 NT: 1969
NLV New Life Ver­sion 2003 Up­date 2003 2003 2003
OT: 2003 NT: 2003
NMS The New Mes­si­an­ic Ver­sion ? ? ?
OT: ? NT: ?
NOG‐​GW Names of God Bi­ble God’s Word Edi­tion ? ? 2011
OT: ? NT: ? A/D:
Based on God's Word HTML
NOG‐​KJV Names of God Bi­ble King James Ver­sion Edi­tion ? ? 2014
OT: ? NT: ? A/D:
Based on the KJV HTML
NRSV New Re­vised Stan­dard Ver­sion 1989 1989 1989 1989
OT: 1989 NT: 1989 A/D: 1989
NRSV‐​CE New Re­vised Stan­dard Ver­sion Cath­o­lic Edi­tion 1993 1993 1993 1993
OT: 1993 NT: 1993 A/D: 1993
As far as I know the text in this is identical to the regular NRSV - unlike the RSV-CE, which revised the regular RSV text.
NRSV‐​A New Re­vised Stan­dard Ver­sion An­gli­cised 1995 1995 1995 1995
OT: 1995 NT: 1995 A/D: 1995
NRSV‐​LR New Re­vised Stan­dard Ver­sion Lec­tion­ary Re­vi­sion 2009
OT: NT: A/D:
This was published in lectionary form only, not in Bi­ble form.
NSB New Sim­pli­fied Bi­ble ? ? ?
OT: ? NT: ?
Ac­ro­nym Ver­sion Re­vi­sion Year of Pub­li­ca­tion Notes
NWT New World Trans­la­tion 1960 1950 1961
OT: 1960 NT: 1958
NWT New World Trans­la­tion 1984 Edi­tion ? ? 1984
OT: ? NT: ?
NWT New World Trans­la­tion 2013 Re­vi­sion ? ? 2013
OT: ? NT: ?
OJB Or­tho­dox Jew­ish Bi­ble ? ? 2002
OT: ? NT: ? A/D:
OJB Or­tho­dox Jew­ish Bi­ble 4th Edi­tion ? ? 2011
OT: ? NT: ? A/D:
OSB Or­tho­dox Stu­dy Bi­ble 2008 1993 2008 2008
OT: 2008 NT: 1993 A/D: 2008
PB Pur­ver’s Bi­ble (Quak­er Bi­ble) 1764 1764 1764
OT: 1764 NT: 1764
The first En­glish Bi­ble version available only in a 66-book edition.
PT Par­ker Trans­la­tion 1876 1876 1876
OT: 1876 NT: 1876
RcV Re­cov­ery Ver­sion 1999 1985 1999
OT: 1999 NT: 1985
REB Re­vised En­glish Bi­ble 1989 1989 1989 1989
OT: 1989 NT: 1989 A/D: 1989
Ac­ro­nym Ver­sion Re­vi­sion Year of Pub­li­ca­tion Notes
RNKJV Re­stored Name King James Ver­sion ? ? ?
OT: ? NT: ?
RSV Re­vised Stan­dard Ver­sion 1952 1946 1957 1957
OT: 1952 NT: 1946 A/D: 1957
Scholarly re­vi­sion of the Amer­i­can Stan­dard Ver­sion / Re­vised Ver­sion.
RSV‐​CE Re­vised Stan­dard Ver­sion Cath­o­lic Edi­tion 1966 1965 1966 1966
OT: 1966 NT: 1965 A/D: 1966
RSV‐​CB Re­vised Stan­dard Ver­sion Com­mon Bi­ble ? ? ? 1973
OT: ? NT: ? A/D: ?
RSV Re­vised Stan­dard Ver­sion with Ex­pand­ed Apoc­ry­pha 1952 1946 1977 1977
OT: 1952 NT: 1946 A/D: 1977
RSV‐​2CE Re­vised Stan­dard Ver­sion Sec­ond Cath­o­lic Edi­tion ? ? ? 2006
OT: ? NT: ? A/D: ?
RV (ERV) (En­glish) Re­vised Ver­sion 1885 1881 1895 1895
OT: 1885 NT: 1881 A/D: 1895
First En­glish trans­la­tion using a critical source text as primary source for the New Testament.
SEB Sim­ple En­glish Bi­ble ? ? 1980
OT: ? NT: ?
SNB Res­to­ra­tion of Orig­i­nal Sa­cred Name Bi­ble ? ? 1976
OT: ? NT: ? A/D:
SNV Sa­cred Name Ver­sion 2009 Up­date ?/td> ? 2009
OT: ? NT: ?
Ac­ro­nym Ver­sion Re­vi­sion Year of Pub­li­ca­tion Notes
SQV Shem Qa­dosh Ver­sion ? ? 2014
OT: ? NT: ? A/D:
SSBE Sa­cred Scrip­tures Beth­el Edi­tion ? ? 1981
OT: ? NT: ? A/D:
TAV Teen‐​Age Ver­sion of the Holy Bi­ble 1962 1962 1962
OT: 1962 NT: 1962
All of these Jay P. Green KJV variants.
TB Tav­ern­er’s Bi­ble 1539 1539 1539 1539
OT: 1539 NT: 1539 A/D: 1539
Essentially a copy (unauthorized) of Mat­thew’s Bi­ble with several minor Re­vi­sions.
TBY The Be­so­rah of Ya­hu­sha ? ? ?
OT: ? NT: ?
TCW The Clear Word ? ? 1994
OT: ? NT: ?
TEB The Ev­i­dence Bi­ble 2000 2000 2000
OT: 2000 NT: 2000
Also: "The Comfort-able King James Version"
THBOO The Holy Bi­ble in Its Orig­i­nal Or­der ? 2003 2008
OT: ? NT: 2003 A/D:
THS The Holy Scrip­tures 1916 1916
OT: 1916 NT: A/D:
THS The Holy Scrip­tures ? ? 2002
OT: ? NT: ?
Ac­ro­nym Ver­sion Re­vi­sion Year of Pub­li­ca­tion Notes
TIB The In­clu­sive Bi­ble 2004 1994 2004 2004
OT: 2004 NT: 1994 A/D: 2004
TLB The Liv­ing Bi­ble ? ? 1971
OT: ? NT: ?
TLB‐​CE The Liv­ing Bi­ble Cath­o­lic Edi­tion ? ? ? 1971
OT: ? NT: ? A/D: ?
TLS The Liv­ing Scrip­tures 1966 1966 1966
OT: 1966 NT: 1966
TLT The Liv­ing Tan­ach 1999 1999
OT: 1999
TLV Tree of Life Ver­sion 2014 2011 2014
OT: 2014 NT: 2011 A/D:
TMB (NAV) Third Mil­len­ni­um Bi­ble (New Au­tho­rized Ver­sion) ? ? ? 1998
OT: ? NT: ? A/D: ?
By the producers of the KJ21, a King James Ver­sion with archaic words modernized by scholars.
TNIV To­day’s New In­ter­na­tion­al Ver­sion 2005 2002 2005
OT: 2005 NT: 2002
TS The Scrip­tures 1993 1993 1993
OT: 1993 NT: 1993
TS The Scrip­tures 2009 Edi­tion 2009 2009 2009
OT: 2009 NT: 2009
Ac­ro­nym Ver­sion Re­vi­sion Year of Pub­li­ca­tion Notes
TSB The Sto­ry Bible 1971 1971 1971
OT: 1971 NT: 1971 A/D:
TT Thom­son’s Trans­la­tion 1808 1808 1808
OT: 1808 NT: 1808 A/D:
TW The Writ, Dab­har Trans­la­tion ? ? 2005
OT: ? NT: ? A/D:
TWOGC The Work of God’s Chil­dren Il­lus­trated Bible ? ? ? ?
OT: ? NT: ? A/D: ?
No info on origin, but Bible is here HTML Appears to me to be a modernized DR
UKJV Up­dated King James Ver­sion ? ? 2000
OT: 2000 NT: 2000
VWV Voice in the Wil­der­ness Ver­sion ? ? ?
OT: ? NT: ?
WB Web­ster’s Bi­ble 1833 1833 1833
OT: 1833 NT: 1833
A re­vi­sion of the King James Ver­sion which replaced vulgar language with more acceptable euphemisms.
WEB World En­glish Bi­ble ? ? ? 2000
OT: ? NT: ? A/D: ?
HTML Uses the ASV as a reference version. Expanded apocrypha.
WEB‐​CE World En­glish Bi­ble Cath­o­lic Edi­tion ? ? ? ?
OT: ? NT: ? A/D: ?
HTML Uses the ASV as a reference version. Expanded apocrypha.
WEB‐​BE World En­glish Bi­ble Brit­ish Edi­tion ? ? ? ?
OT: ? NT: ? A/D: ?
HTML Uses the ASV as a reference version. Expanded apocrypha.
Ac­ro­nym Ver­sion Re­vi­sion Year of Pub­li­ca­tion Notes
WoY Word of Yah­weh ? ? ?
OT: ? NT: ?
Wyc Wy­clif’s Bi­ble 1382 1382 1382 1382
OT: 1382 NT: 1382 A/D: 1382
Alternate spellings/titles: “Wyclif”, “Wycliffe”, “Wycliffe’s”
Wyc Wy­clif’s Bi­ble Sec­ond Edi­tion 1388 1388 1388 1388
OT: 1388 NT: 1388 A/D: 1388
Wyclif authorized John Purvey to produce this Re­vi­sion.
YLT Young’s Lit­er­al Trans­la­tion 1862 1862 1862
OT: 1862 NT: 1862
YLT Young’s Lit­er­al Trans­la­tion Re­vised Ver­sion 1887 1887 1887
OT: 1887 NT: 1887
YLT Young’s Lit­er­al Trans­la­tion Third Edi­tion 1898 1898 1898
OT: 1887 NT: 1887
ZS Zi­ka­rown Say’­fer (Me­mo­ri­al Scroll) ? ? ?
OT: ? NT: ? A/D:
Ac­ro­nym Ver­sion Re­vi­sion Year of Pub­li­ca­tion Notes